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The Messier Objects in Color: M25-M48

All images are oriented with the North at the top and the West to the right.

Table of Messier Objects
Main | 001 - 024 | 025 - 048 | 049 - 073 | 074 - 097 | 098 - 110
Messier Object Other Name(s) Type of Object Thumbnail Image Comments
25 IC4725 Galactic (0pen) Cluster

Dream Machine Image


Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon EOS Ra camera





26 NGC6694 Galactic (0pen) Cluster

Dream Machine Image



Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon EOS Ra camera





27 NGC6853 Planetary Nebula M27

M27 cropped and enlarged image


Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 20Da camera.   Three 5-minute exposures combined.


RC16-inch f/8 telescope QSI 532 CCD image








Cropped and enlarged image


28 NGC6626 Globular Cluster

Dream Machine Image

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 20Da camera.   Three 5-min exposures combined.





29 NGC6913 Galactic (Open) Cluster M29


M29 and environs

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 60Da camera


ASA20 20-inch f/3.6 astrograph image





30 NGC7099 Globular Cluster

Dream Machine Image

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 20Da camera.   Three 5-minute exposures combined.





31 NGC224; The Great Andromeda Galaxy Galaxy m31.jpg (18051 bytes)
AP7 image

Takahashi Epsilon 130 image with Nikon D100 digital camera. Two minute exposure.

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 20Da.  Three 5-minute exposures combined.

135mm telephoto image with Nikon D100 camera. Two minute exposure.

Takahashi Epsilon 130 image with with Canon 20Da camera. Five minute exposure.

31 NGC224; The Great Andromeda Galaxy Galaxy M31 Takahashi Epsilon 180 f/2.8 astrograph with Canon EOS Ra camera.
31 NGC224; The Great Andromeda Galaxy Galaxy M31, Great Andromeda Galaxy  
32 NGC221; UGC452; Arp168 Galaxy M32
Notice M31 in the background. Dream Machine Image.


TPO RC 16-inch f/8 image

m32.jpg (26144 bytes)
Black and White AP7 image obtained as part of the Arp galaxy marathon on November 16-17, 1998.
33 NGC598 Galaxy

Dream Machine image



PlaneWave CDK24 image



ASA20 20-inch f/3.6 telescope image


Takahashi Epsilon 180 image

34 NGC1039 Galactic (0pen) Cluster M34

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 20Da camera.   Three 5-minute exposures combined.





35 and NGC2158 NGC1039 Open Clusters M35 and NGC2158 ASA 20-inch f/3.5 telescope image.
35 NGC2168 Galactic (0pen) Cluster

Dream Machine Image

 Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with ZWO ASI071 single shot color camera. Six 300-second exposures combined.




36 NGC1960 Galactic (0pen) Cluster

Dream Machine Image

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 20Da camera.   Three 5-minute exposures combined.

M36 E-180 image

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 60Da camera.   Six 600-second exposures median combined.


M36 and NGC1931 and environs

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with ZWO ASI071 single shot color camera, four 300-second exposures median combined.


M36 and NGC1931 and environs.  Labeled image


































Labeled image

36 NGC1960 Galactic (Open) Cluster M36

M36, labeled image






Labeled image

37 NGC2099 Galactic (Open) Cluster M37  
37 NGC2099 Galactic (Open) Cluster

Dream Machine Image

M37 and Barnard 34

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon EOS Ra full frame single shot color camera.





38 NGC1912 Galactic (0pen) Cluster M38 on the evening of Thursday March 28, 2019

ASA 20-inch f/3.6 telescope image

Dream Machine Image


Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon EOS Ra camera.  





39 NGC7092 Galactic (0pen) Cluster M39

PlaneWave CKD24 image


ASA20 20-inch f/3.6 astrograph image


Dream Machine Image

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 20Da camera.   Three 5-minute exposures combined.





40 Winnecke 4 Double Star M40

ASA20 20-inch f/3.6 astrograph image

M40 cropped and enlarged image


M40 with Takahashi Epsilon 180 f/2.8 telescope

Takahashi Epsilon 180 f/2.8 telescope with Canon 60Da camera


Meade LXD55 8-inch f/4 image with QSI 532 CCD










Cropped and enlarged image


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41 NGC2287 Galactic (0pen) Cluster m41.jpg (40097 bytes)
AP7 image

Dream Machine image



Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon EOS Ra full frame mirrorless camera











41 NGC2287 Galactic (Open) Cluster M41 ASA 20-inch f/3.6 telescope image.
42 as well as M43, the Running Man Nebula (NGC1977), and NGC1980 NGC1976; The Orion Nebula; NGC1982 Diffuse Nebula and Open Clusters M42

Geostationary satellites near M42

Takahashi Epsilon 180 f/2.8 telescope with ZWO ASI071 single shot color camera.

Takahashi Epsilon f/2.8 telescope centered on M42 with tracking turned off to show geostationary satellites.

42 NGC1976; The Orion Nebula Diffuse Nebula
Telephoto image with Canon 20Da camera.

42/43 and environs   Complex Region with Star Clusters, Emission, and Reflection Nebulae NGC 1980 and environs, labeled image Labeled image
43 NGC1982 Diffuse Nebula m43.jpg (20964 bytes)
AP7 image
This is a composite of a 60-second exposure in red (R), a 60-second exposure in green (V), and a 90- second exposure in blue (B).
44 M44 (NGC2632); Praesepe; The Beehive Cluster Galactic (Open) Cluster
Dream Machine image.

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 20Da camera.

135mm f/2.8 telephoto lens image of M44 taken on Kodak VR1000 film with a 15 minute exposure.
44 M44 (NGC2362); Praesepe; The Beehive Cluster Galactic (Open) Cluster M44

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon EOS Ra camera

44 M44 (NGC2632); Praesepe; The Beehive Cluster Galactic (Open) Cluster M44 on the evening of April 14, 2018 ASA 20-inch f/3.6 telescope image
45 The Pleiades Galactic (Open) Cluster with Surrounding Nebulosity
Takahashi Epsilon 130 image with a Nikon D100 digital camera. Two minute exposure.

Dream Machine image showing the region around Alcyone.

Canon 20 Da digital camera image with 200 mm f/4.5 lens. Five-minute exposure.
The CCD image from the 24-inch telescope provides a very limited view of the Pleiades. The Pleiades are best shown with wide-field photography such as the images with the Nikon and Canon digital cameras.


m45.jpg (36708 bytes)

This film image was obtained with the then Grassland five-inch f/5 finder as part of the Photographic Messier Marathon.


45 The Pleiades Galactic (0pen) Cluster with Surrounding Nebulosity

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 20Da.  Three 5-minute exposures combined.

Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with Canon 20Da.  Six 10-minute exposures combined.

45 The Pleiades Galactic (0pen) Cluster with Surrounding Nebulosity M45 with ASA 20-inch telescope ASA 20-inch f/3.5 telescope image.
45 The Pleiades Galactic (0pen) Cluster with Surrounding Nebulosity Pleiades Takahashi Epsilon 180 f/2.8 astrograph with Canon EOS Ra camera.








45 The Pleiades Galactic (0pen) Cluster with Surrounding Nebulosity The Pleiades, total exposure 6.5 hours Takahashi Epsilon 180 f/2.8 astrograph with Canon EOS Ra camera.

Six and one-half hours total exposure.
46 NGC2437 Galactic (0pen) Cluster with Planetary Nebula (NGC2438) M46

PlaneWave CDK24 24-inch f/6.5 telescope with Finger Lakes Instrumentation Proline KAF-9000 CCD


m46.jpg (52529 bytes)
AP7 image

Dream Machine image


M46 and M47

M46 and M47: Takahashi Epsilon 180 astrograph with ZWO ASI071 single shot color camera.  Five 300-second exposures median combined.

46 and 47 NGC 2437 and NGC 2422 Galactic (Open) Clusters M46 and M47

M46 and M47, labeled image






Labeled image

47 NGC2422 Galactic (Open) Cluster


M46 and M47

M46 and M47: Takahashi Epsilon 180 astrograph with ZWO ASI071 single shot color camera.  Five 300-second exposures median combined.

48 NGC2548 Galactic (0pen) Cluster

Dream Machine Image



ASA 20-inch f/3.6 astrograph image



Takahashi Epsilon 180 image with ZWO ASI071 single shot color camera. Six 300-second exposures median combined.






Main | 001 - 024 | 025 - 048 | 049 - 073 | 074 - 097 | 098 - 110 | Back to top