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Grasslands Observatory: NGC Objects 4001-5000

All images are oriented with the North at the top and the West to the right.


| NGC: 1 - 1000 | NGC: 1001 - 2000 | NGC: 2001 - 3000 |

| NGC: 3001 - 4000 | | NGC: 4001 - 5000 | NGC: 5001 - 6000 |

| NGC: 6001 - 7000 | | NGC: 7001 - 7840 |

IC Objects

NGC Object Other Name(s) Type of Object Thumbnail Image Comments


4027 Arp22 Galaxy Arp 22  
4038/4039 NGC4038+4039; Antennae, Ring-Tail Galaxy; Caldwell 60-61 Interacting Galaxies ngc4038(Arp244).TIF (2737739 bytes)
AP7 color image

Antennae Galaxies
Dream Machine image


CDK24 24-inch f/6.5 image

4088 Arp18 Galaxy NGC4088 (Arp18)  
4236 Caldwell 3 Galaxy NGC4236

Caldwell 3

4244 Caldwell 26 Galaxy NGC4244
AP7 image

Dream Machine image

NGC4244 Caldwell 26 Galaxy NGC4244
AP7 image
Image with Infrared filter (I) used instead of R filter for red portion of the Tri-Color Image.
4260 and environs   Galaxies NGC4260 and environs

NGC4260 and environs, labeled image









Labeled image

4274   Galaxy NGC4274

NGC4274 and environs, labeled image








Labeled image

4361   Planetary Nebula NGC4361  
4361   Planetary Nebula NGC4361 Infrared image Image with Infrared filter (I) used instead of R filter for red portion of the Tri-Color Image.
4438/4435 Arp 120 (the Eyes) Interacting Galaxies Arp 120 (NGC4438/4435) on the morning of April 8, 2018  
4449 Caldwell 21 Irregular Galaxy NGC4449  
4472 M49; Arp134 Galaxy M49  
4490 Arp269 Irregular Galaxy NGC4490+NGC4485 (Arp 269)  
4559 Caldwell 36 Galaxy NGC4559  
4565 Caldwell 38 Galaxy NGC4565

NGC4565, cropped and enlarged image


Meade LXD55 image








Cropped and enlarged image

NGC4569; IC3583 M90; Arp76 Galaxy M90


4631 Arp281; Caldwell 32 Galaxy Arp281

Cropped and enlarged view

4649 M60; Arp116 Galaxy M60


Meade LXD75 8-inch f/4 images with QSI 532 CCD. The major objects are labeled in the below image.


4653   Galaxy NGC4653  
4656+4657 Crow Bar Galaxy Irregular Galaxy NGC4656+4657

NGC4656+4657, cropped and enlarged image









Cropped and enlarged image

4697 Caldwell 52 Galaxy NGC4697  
4725   Galaxy NGC4725  
4725   Galaxy NGC4725 with Infrared filter Image with Infrared filter (I) used instead of R filter for red portion of the Tri-Color Image.
4889; 4884 Coma Cluster; UGC8110; Abell1656; Caldwell 35 Galaxy Cluster Coma Cluster

Coma Galaxy Cluster

4939   Galaxy NGC4939 Double Exposure of NGC4939
Double exposure of NGC4939. During an exposure through the red (R) filter, the wind jostled the telescope.


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| NGC: 1 - 1000 | NGC: 1001 - 2000 | NGC: 2001 - 3000 |

| NGC: 3001 - 4000 | | NGC: 4001 - 5000 | NGC: 5001 - 6000 |

| NGC: 6001 - 7000 | | NGC: 7001 - 7840 |

IC Objects

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